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/ Software USA 4 #8 / Software USA Volume 4.08.iso / mac / LifeStyles / ComicBase / ComicBase 3 Demo / ComicBase 3 Demo.rsrc / LENS_157_Found Comics < prev    next >
Text File  |  1999-08-16  |  5.5 KB  |  58 lines

  1. ItemType: WIND
  2. Rect: 3,41,323,241
  3. Style: Windoid
  4. HasTitleBar: TRUE
  5. HasZoomBox: TRUE
  6. HasCloseBox: TRUE
  7. HasGrowBox: TRUE
  8. MinSize: 300,150
  9. MaxSize: 320,1100
  10. Name: Found Comics
  11. WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
  12. Script: --on windowEvent  wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gFoundIssues¬¬----------------------¬-- This is window #29¬----------------------¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬  put wdID into myWdID¬  ¬  -- Restore old window position¬  put OldWindowPosition(29) into windowRect¬  if windowRect = empty then wsSet wdID,0,"TopLeft","2,40"¬  else wsSet wdID,"0","Rect",windowRect¬  ¬  wsSet wdID,"FoundIssues","Text", char 1 to 32000 of gFoundIssues¬  wsSet wdID,"FoundIssues","Selection", 1¬  if there is a window "Find Comics" then ¬    wsSend "Find Comics","0","SendToBack"¬  end if¬  if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬    enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬  end if¬  set cursor to arrow¬  ¬else if objValue="Close" then ¬  -- save the window position¬  put "29" & tab & wdName & tab & wsGet(wdID,"0","Rect") into line 29 of gWindowPositions¬  put frontWindow() into theFrontID¬  if wsGet(theFrontID,"0","HasCloseBox") <> "True" then¬    if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬      disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬    end if¬  end if¬  ¬else if objValue="Suspend" then ¬  put frontWindow() into theFrontID¬  if wsGet(theFrontID,"0","HasCloseBox") <> "True" then¬    if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬      disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬    end if¬  end if¬  ¬else if objValue="Resume" then ¬  if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬    enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬  end if¬else ¬  -- put objValue¬end if¬--end windowEvent
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  17. TextSize: 12
  18. AutoSize: FALSE
  19. Name: Select
  20. DefaultItem: TRUE
  21. Balloon: Click here to go to the issue you’ve selected in the list to the left.
  22. Script: --on mouseUp  wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gFoundIndex, titleList, gNotesLine, findType, gFindSubject¬global gCompositeListing¬¬set cursor to busy¬unlock messages¬¬put wsGet(wdID,"FoundIssues","Selection") into theLine¬¬set the itemDelimiter to tab¬put item 1 of line theLine of gFoundIndex into targetTitle¬put item 3 of line theLine of gFoundIndex into issueIndex¬¬¬if issueIndex = 0  then    -- It's a title¬  lock screen¬  set cursor to watch¬  go cd targetTitle of bg "Title"¬end if¬¬if findType = "Title Description" then ¬  repeat while the lockscreen = true¬    unlock screen¬  end repeat¬  find gFindSubject in fld "Blurb Text" -- To hilite the text¬else if issueIndex <> 0 then -- Issues only, not titles¬  lock screen¬  put find(titleList,targetTitle,"Line","Exact") into targetTitleLine¬  ¬  if targetTitleLine = 0 then answer "Sorry, but I don’t seem to be able to find that."¬  else¬    go cd targetTitleLine of bg "Title"¬    set cursor to busy¬    ¬    if the visible of bg btn "Prices" then showPrices¬    if issueIndex = empty then¬      put item 2 of line theLine of gFoundIndex into targetIssue¬      set the itemDelimiter to comma¬      put item 1 of Find(fld "Comic #",targetIssue,"Line","Exact") into issueIndex¬    end if¬    set cursor to busy¬    ¬    put issueIndex into gNotesLine¬    ¬    -- Figure out which line to select¬    if issueIndex <= the number of lines of LongPage(gCompositeListing,1) then¬      select line issueIndex of fld "Composite Listing"¬    else¬      put 1 into groupNumber¬      repeat forever¬        subtract the number of lines of LongPage(gCompositeListing, groupNumber) from issueIndex¬        add 1 to groupNumber¬        put LongPage(gCompositeListing, groupnumber) into theBlock¬        if issueIndex <= the number of lines of theBlock then¬          lock screen¬          put groupNumber into gCompositeGroup¬          if gCompositeGroup = 4 then set the enabled of bg btn "Next group" to false¬          else set the enabled of bg btn "Next group" to LongPage(gCompositeListing, gCompositeGroup + 1) ≠ empty¬          set the enabled of bg btn "Prev group" to true¬          put theBlock into fld "Composite Listing"¬          set the scroll of fld "Composite Listing" to 0¬          put gCompositeGroup into fld "Group Number"¬          select line issueIndex of fld "Composite Listing"¬          unlock screen¬          exit repeat¬        end if¬      end repeat¬    end if¬    ¬    send displayLineStuff to fld "Composite Listing"¬  end if¬end if¬--end mouseup¬
  24. ItemType: LIST
  25. Rect: 11,45,308,155
  26. TextFont: Geneva
  27. TextSize: 9
  28. AutoSize: FALSE
  29. GrowItem: TRUE
  30. Name: FoundIssues
  31. DoubleClickItem: 1
  32. KeyScroll: TRUE
  33. Text: 
  34. Balloon: This is a list of all the issues that match the criteria you specified before. Choose a specific issue you’d like information on, then click the “Select” button to go to that issue.
  36. ItemType: TEXT
  37. Rect: 11,5,308,41
  38. TextFont: Geneva
  39. TextSize: 9
  40. Name: Message
  41. WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
  42. Text: The following comics were found that contain <the event>.
  44. ItemType: PUSH
  45. Rect: 11,169,99,189
  46. TextSize: 12
  47. AutoSize: FALSE
  48. Name: Preview…
  49. Balloon: Click here to go to the issue you’ve selected in the list to the left.
  50. Script: --on mouseUp  wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gDoPreview¬¬put true into gDoPreview¬send PrintFoundComics to cd btn "PrintComicInfo" of cd 2¬--end mouseup¬
  52. ItemType: PUSH
  53. Rect: 106,169,194,189
  54. TextSize: 12
  55. AutoSize: FALSE
  56. Name: Print…
  57. Balloon: Click here to go to the issue you’ve selected in the list to the left.
  58. Script: --on mouseUp  wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gDoPreview¬¬put false into gDoPreview¬send PrintFoundComics to cd btn "PrintComicInfo" of cd 2¬--end mouseup¬